


8 Mistakes to Avoid When You Hire a Social Media Agency in Singapore

Social media marketing is gaining more relevance as a social media agency in Singapore reports that more users of the internet spend over 50% of their time in social media. From the original purpose of keeping track of college alumni, people are now depending on social media and their links for almost all of their information and social interaction needs.

If you want to reach any audience on the internet, social media marketing is a must. Even big corporations with billions of dollars in advertising budget will strive to carve their place in the platform. It is wise to hire a social media marketing agency in Singapore, but you still need to avoid these mistakes.

1. Not a Having a Concrete Social Media Strategy:

If you think that social media is as easy as posting regular updates, a filtered Instagram post with a glossy photo every so often, then you are setting yourself up for failure. Your social media agency should have a sound strategy and be ready to tweak it depending on trends.

2. Being Out of Touch with the Target Audience:

For local businesses, you need to have a feel for the community. A social media marketing agency in Singapore should be aware of any important event in the city-state. The Singaporeans are very dynamic, and your social media marketing strategy should work in accordance with this.

3. Failure to Engage with Customers:

In social media, there is a thin line between followers and customers. If they follow you, you have to assume they are interested, and any inquiry should be entertained as a possible transaction. This can be extensive work, but social media marketing in Singapore requires this.

4.One-sided Brand Promotion:

Brand promotion is a pillar of any marketing campaign, but it is not the only one. The first step is to ensure that the visitors are informed of your products and services, but you need to make it about them, not just about your brand. The customer needs to see how your presence benefits them.

5. Failure to Connect with People:

Your customers are not just numbers on a board–they are people. Always note that many times, social media users are not online to buy, unlike eCommerce sites. The social media marketing agency should find creative ways to establish a connection with the audience before blasting going on hard selling mode.

6. Employing a Single Strategy Across Multiple Platforms:

Z Every social media site has its own characteristics and a primary demographic. There are different dynamics for each, that is why many people have accounts in multiple social media platforms. Therefore, you cannot have the same social media strategy for Facebook and LinkedIn. Instagram and Twitter also have different dynamics, so the post you place on Instagram may not be effective on Twitter.

7. Failure to Keep Track of Results:

Social Media also has advanced metrics just like Search Engine Optimization. Part of the job of a social media marketing agency is to track down the results of their posts. If a post does not perform well, they should analyze the reasons, and there are many. Good thing for social media, you are only as good as your last post, and you can post again.

8. Overreaction to Negative Comments:

One thing to remember in social media: You are dealing with people. As such, they can be prone to emotions and outbursts of frustration. In some cases, the customers really seek concrete answers. A social media agency in Singapore should determine where a negative comment belongs. It takes patience, but a social media agency in Singapore should be able to discern comments and respond accordingly.


Social media marketing agencies understand that marketing in social media involved establishing connections with people and not just marketing products and services.

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